The friendly SSAI (not to be confused with the evil AIDR) has provided a quick guide in order to survive the first few days on planet:
!rename “SurvivalPod 01” “MyUniquePod”
while looking at your spawn pod, this command makes your temporary respawn ship permanentWhen building a base:
Now its time to explore some more and get the resources you need to get off the planet, ice will be hard to find and you will need lots of it, continue to loot wrecks and when there are no more left due to having a high threat score, add turrets to your base in order to shoot down drones.
Note: Keep in mind there are trade stations on the starter planets that might be able to provide you with the resources you need.
Once you have collected the resources you need then build your ship and explore the solar system. You will find every planet besides Corpus and Greer has one or more types of ores and some places in space will have clusters of asteroids however you will need to find all these places and SSAI will pay the first engineers who discover them, make sure to report your findings to staff on the discord. See contracts-events for more information.
If you wish you can view more Guides created by fellow engineers, please see below, if not you can always find your own way to salvation and depending on how you want to play, as a hero for other Engineers, a Trader, an Explorer or a Pirate, or a little of all doesn't matter because this is Di:Enduur and your way to survive is the only way…….Die Hard fellow engineers!
In Di:Enduur, you may come across trade stations that can sell you all sorts of things, mainly cores.
These areas are not considered safe, even if allied with the faction that owns them, other players may see these stores and could attack you if your not allied.
See Trade Stations for more information.
See AI Cores for more information.
We offer various hangar options to save and load your grids offline, see the Hangaring section in the Server Rules. For all hangar commands see SE Player Commands.
Space Engineers keeps your body on server when you log off and if you choose to use a Cryo pod to keep your character alive, this maybe the wrong choice as this is a huge power consumer which is probably not the best idea in the end, especially here on DI:Enduur. Our suggestion is to store your inventory then allow your player to die when you sign off or press backspace and kill your player. Take in mind this method also provides a more stable server since your base wont be using server resources and it will give more room for other players while their online, I'm sure players will appreciate this as much as you would.
Tip: Another suggestion would be to turn off any device that consumes power that you don't need on, in Di:Enduur especially at the start, no power is the leading cause of death and loss of grids.
If you build a grid that has no survival kit, or has lost power, you can find it via a contract block.
To make a contact to locate the grid, build a contract block, open it up, go to the admin section, create a search contract for the lost grids that have power, otherwise create repair contracts for grids that don’t have power, then accept the contract. After accepting the contract, a GPS for the lost grid will be populated on your screen.
Never turn off your Survival Kits or Med Bays, and never set it to share with all! If your in a faction you can Share with Faction
Each faction/player is limited to 3 Survival Kits and a unlimited amount of Med Bays
The server will broadcast a grid larger the 50k pcu to all players on the server (connected grids are included when determining the PCU)
A new feature has also been added to the planet Tohil (Ice Planet), that if your there for longer then 10 minutes your location will also be broadcasted to everyone on the server.
Attaching your grids to a NPC Grids (wrecks, drones and outposts/stations) to gain the benefits of power and/or to steal their precious hydrogen has the chance for it to be cleaned up by MES. We therefore must remind you that any grids lost due to this sort of act will not be restored, you have been warned!
Our NPC mod (MES) spawns NPCs based on the calculated threat score in an area around you, which includes you but potentially other players.
Description of the calculation:
An in-game script to calculate the threat score of your grid in a Programmable Block: (note: outdated but will still give you a rough number).
Our servers run a custom offline concealment plugin named to optimize server performance. It works by effectively disabling your grid while you're offline, but still allows for solar charging of batteries (up to 25%) to avoid losing power, as if the grid was not concealed and could get some sun during the day.
Note: If you put your batteries on recharge when you go offline and the Solar's recharge your batteries to 25% then the concealment mod will kick in and remove your grid from the list of grids to process on the server to save on server resources. You should also know that all production is turned off also during concealment, so no free refining for you today!
To check the next restart all you have to do is type !sigma nr in game chat and boom now you know when the end is coming.
Official WeaponCore Player Tips:
Wortho's A Guide to WeaponCore - From the Basics to the Advanced:
If your guns aren't firing, please make sure to read the above guides and tips.
Other tips:
, reconnect, exit/restart gameWe are using the DePatch Torch plugin to protect voxels (planetary and asteroids) from grid damage, which reduces voxel deformation and therefore increases performance.
However, be aware that grids that hit voxels at high speeds may phase partly through voxels and end up stuck with one or more blocks behind the voxel line. If that happens, it is not eligible for restore or admin assistance, so pay attention to your speed when operating grids (ships or rovers) near voxels.
The reason is Space Engineers collision check do not happen fast enough to fully handle speeds in excess of 100m/s under normal server load. Generally, it should not be an issue unless exceeding the the Keen Default Speed Limits.
Methods of freeing yourself:
You are allowed to capture NPC grids (PvE), as well as other players' grids (PvP), but you must remember to follow specific steps to avoid surprises:
to claim the grid fully, and it will transfer all the blocks to youFailure to do so on NPC grids will not let you be the owner and use the blocks.
Failure to do so on other players' grids means the other player can use remote block removal in the info menu and remotely delete the blocks they still own, potentially crippling or splitting the captured grid which could then be potentially cleaned up if no longer meeting grid preservation rules.
Players are free to use remote block removal for grids they no longer have access (e.g. lost, wreck or captured). It is up to players capturing grids to properly claim their salvage, and their own mistake if they fail to do so.
Fairplay rule: if you were just part a battle and lost grids, you are not allowed to immediately remotely delete the grids. You must give them at least 1 day (24h from the end of the battle) to salvage and claim, then after that if it's still not claimed and you want to remotely delete, you can.
Within a faction, claim against faction grids is reserved to faction leaders to limit abuse. Faction leaders should only onboard faction members they trust, and staff will not intervene in internal faction disputes.
We offer a DIE creative world (aka “Draconis Impossible: Enduur [TEST]”, "Enduur-test”, or just “CATTUS”) to our Patreon supporters, in there you'll have admin access and can build anything. This is the supported way of experimenting, making blueprints, etc.
We recognize some players will have the necessary expertise to make their own creative world, we do not offer support for this but acknowledge we cannot stop it either.
If you know how to make one, you're welcome to use it for your own personal use only. But out of respect for our hard work as volunteers, the DIE team kindly ask you to please not share it, between friends or publicly, e.g. by uploading to Steam workshop. We know it's tempting and it surely comes from a good place, wanting to help and share, but we find doing so is actively harmful to the DIE team and to the DIE community, players are going to play locally or with friends rather than on the server, spinning up world copies or even competing servers, all of which has happened in the past and destroys the community and our hard work.
We kindly ask for your help as players to respect this, and if you happen to find such creative worlds or servers, please file a ticket for the DIE team to investigate. If not, all this achieves is burning out the DIE team, up to potentially shutting down DIE entirely.
Periodically we will add issues here that we have noticed and the fixes that can help mitigate the problem your having within DIE
If you can't load into the game or are stuck on the loading screen please use the method below. This will also work with the spawning issues where you cant find your survival kit in the spawn menu or have a loading issue after clicking respawn.
BuildInfo calculates from the default values (hardcoded), but we changed them. If you want real values you'll have to either calculate yourself, manually or with a PB script, or maybe even fix BuildInfo so it can be taught our different values (let us know if you do).